Please stop deforestation! 
Forests are an extremely important natural resource that can potentially be repeatedly harvested and managed to yield a diversity of commodities of economic importance. Wood is by far the most important product harvested from forests. The wood is commonly manufactured into paper, lumber, plywood, and other products. In addition, in most of the forested regions of the less-developed world firewood is the most important source of energy used for cooking and other purposes. Potentially, all of these forest products can be sustained indefinitely. Unfortunately, in most cases forests have been irresponsibly over-harvested, resulting in the "mining" of the forest resource and widespread ecological degradation. It is critical that in the future all forest harvesting is conducted in a manner that is more responsible in terms of sustaining the resource. There is an examples of type deforestation in Malaysia:

(a) Land clearing to prepare for livestock grazing or expansion of crop planting

(b) Commercial logging and timber harvests

(c) Slash-and-burn forest cutting for subsistence farming

(d) Natural events such as volcanic eruption, stand wind throw from hurricanes, catastrophic forest fires, or changes in local climate and rainfall regimes.

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